Have you ever reached the end of the workday and realize you didn’t accomplish as much as you had hoped? Do you have a long to-do list that you can’t seem to finish? It can be easy to find yourself distracted throughout the day. Here are some tips to help keep yourself on track by feeling mentally sharp throughout the day.

Take a Break

This might seem counterproductive when efficiency is the goal, but taking a break is actually helpful during the day. Taking a break to grab a coffee or take a ten-minute walk outside gives you a few minutes away from your work to mentally refocus.

Make a List

Make a list of everything you want to get done. This will help keep you on task as you cross things off the list throughout the day. Try making the list while setting your goals, the list should help keep you on track.

Set Realistic Goals With a Timeline

This takes your to-do list to the next level. Not only do you have a list of what needs to get done, have a timeline of when to have certains things done. Set goals of what needs accomplishing during the day,  week, and/or month! Seeing your list on a timeline will help you prioritize what needs to be done first. When making the timeline, remember to keep the timeline realistic. The point is not to make yourself feel discouraged and defeated when you don’t reach your goals but rather, to keep you feeling motivated to cross things off your to-do list!

Turn Off Notifications

It can be difficult to fight the temptation to check notifications when you see your phone light up or hear it buzz. If this distraction is too tempting to ignore, try turning off notifications to certain apps during the workday. This should help keep you from replying to notifications and getting distracted with various apps throughout the day.

Get Your Sleep

Sleep, sleep, sleep! Not only is it better for your health, but it is also one of the easiest ways to increase productivity the next day. Take time to unwind at the end of each day to mentally plan out the next day (outfit, meals, schedule, etc).  The next morning you will wake up already feeling prepared.

Avoid Heavy Meals

Rather than eating a large, carb loaded meal that leaves you feeling groggy after lunch. Also, avoid sugary snacks that make your energy crash after an hour or two. Instead, opt for something lighter. Have a protein rich meal with fruits and vegetables to keep you feeling satiated and energized.

How do you stay motivated throughout the workday? Share your tips and tricks below! I look forward to hearing from you!